+49 (0) 171 7152917 axel.massmann@yacht-green.com

yacht-green company, based in Hamburg / Germany and temporary in Nice / South France, is a specialist for design, development, projectmanagement, execution and maintenance of interior greening on mega-yachts, exclusive cruise-ships and private residences ( private jets in development )


The company was founded by the german engineer and landscape - architect Axel Massmann who used to realize large scale unique greening projects world wide, focusing tropical and mediterraneaen plants and Bonsais.

Phone +49 (0) 171 7152917
Mail axel.massmann@yacht-green.com

Projects on land

Daimler Chrysler, Hyatt Hotel Group, Interconti Hotel Group, ECE Shopping Malls, City Center Doha, Viceroy Hotel Group, Bayer AG, BMW, private Residences

Tropical landscapes outdoor


indoor Design


Curved living green walls


Oldest unique Bonsais


Projects on board

M/Y 156 m 2015-17/18/19
M/Y 130 +m 2016-18/19/20/21
M/Y 135 +m 2016-18/19/20/21
M/Y 140 +m 2018-20/21
M/Y 100 +m 2020/21
M/Y 90 +m 2020/21
M/Y 80 +m 2020/21
M/Y 140 in process
M/Y 120 in process

yacht-green works together with the project participants under absolute secrecy to accomplish a project on highest level
(we do not publish project photos without the consent of our customers)

Bespoke Design

Worldwide plant research



Plant reservation


Plant preparation


Location planning 

at site projectmanagement 

Worldwide plant research


at site projectmanagement